Thursday, 14 July 2016

Some random pictures

Today, some of us took a trip from Hebron to Ramallah for a meeting with other ISMers. Below are some photos. The people at the meeting did not express permission for their pictures to be published, so here are some other ones instead:

Some of the landscape between Hebron and Ramallah (1)

Some of the landscape between Hebron and Ramallah (2)

A Palestinian city.

Palestinian homes. You can tell which homes are Palestinian, since they have large black water tankers on the top. For Israeli settlers, water is pumped straight up to the pipes continuously.
Palestinian homes receive water every ten days, sometimes once a month. The water goes into their storage tanks and must be enough to last. If the water runs out and they can't afford to buy more, they go without.

Israeli military guard tower and wall. A sad part of the landscape of the West Bank.

Israeli company building new homes in the West Bank, which is contrary to international law (1)

Israeli company building new homes in the West Bank, which is contrary to international law (2). The workers are mostly Palestinian, who are forced to do this by a lack of work elsewhere.

Driving into Ramallah

Ramallah (1)

Ramallah (2)

Ramallah (3)

Delicious supper at a restaurant we went to. I ordered fries with mixed chicken and liver. It was quite delicious. Of course, there was plenty of hummus. 

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