Monday, 18 July 2016

Evening patrol

This evening, a group of ISMers went on a patrol through Hebron. It was quiet and uneventful, which is the best case scenario. Here are some pictures.

Israeli military base in Hebron. Soldiers and settlers often come out of these gates, and Palestinian prisoners are often brought in through them
The marketplace, near closing time.
Holding a broom in her hand, a Palestinian girl chases her friend (who is out of the range of the lens in this photo).

Israeli soldiers jogging near the checkpoints.
A sign put up by the settlers, justifying the decision to close down Palestinian businesses on Shuhada and cause hundreds to lose their jobs (1).
A sign put up by the settlers, justifying the decision to close down Palestinian businesses on Shuhada and cause hundreds to lose their jobs (2).
Interestingly, whenever Israeli soldiers or settlers kill Palestinian, Israeli markets are not punished in this way.
Collective punishment is actually illegal according to international law.
Israeli military guard tower near Shuhada, empty.
Someone wrote "Free Israel" on it. I don't know whether it was a Palestinian (or international or Israeli supporter) with a wicked sense of humour, or someone a soldier or settler who has no idea what the word "irony" (or its Hebrew equivalent) means.
Qeitun checkpoint. Imagine, before coming home after a long day at work, you need to pass through something like this.
Israeli bus in Hebron. Most of the people in these vehicles are unfortunately either soldiers or settlers.
Two roads leading uphill. The wider way is for Israelis, the narrow path is for the Palestinians.
These kids just insisted on having their picture taken, and would not accept "no" for an answer.
Qalandia checkpoint.
Israeli soldiers complete a jog, which looks to be a part of their training. The fact that they are in a Palestinian neighbourhood, which is full of people who are under occupation and many of whom fear the soldiers and some who probably also hate them, is irrelevant.

Video of some of the jog.

Palestinian home, which settlers vandalized by painting stars of David on it. History sometimes has a terrible habit of repeating itself.
Some of us walking towards the Ibrahimi Mosque, considered sacred by both Muslims and Jews.
A Palestinian man who I just met who wanted to have a photo of us taken together. The guy had no idea who I was and vice versa, but he insisted on a picture together.. Only in Palestine. :)

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