Women in Hebron was started seven years ago by a woman named Nawal. Initially she had a shop in the Old City in Hebron, where she sold fabric. She started a business where Palestinian women would make embroidery, which they would send to her. She hired 7 women to sew it onto clothing in the building they own in Idna.
The business currently employs over 150 women. Most of them send embroidery to the co-op, which others then sew on. The co-op is fair trade, which means the products cost a bit more but the workers are paid a decent wage.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the only business in Hebron that is ran entirely by women. The beautiful traditional clothing and keffiyehs and purses and other products they make help preserve Palestinian culture and heritage.
When I was in their office, I couldn't help noticing a "PolishAid" calendar and piece of fabric. As a Polish Canadian, I was very proud and impressed to see that some people from my country of birth are working with these women. Then again, perhaps I shouldn't be. Both Poles and Palestinians know what it is like to live under occupation... and we know also that every unjust system is one day doomed to come to an end. It is only a matter of time.
To learn more about Women in Hebron, please visit them on their Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Women-in-Hebron-127546997276604/?fref=ts
Idna (1)
Idna (2)
Entering the Women in Hebron building (1)
Entering the Women in Hebron building (2)
Some of the products on display (1).
Notice the Polish Aid embroidery. I am very proud.
Some of the products on display (2).
Some of the products on display (3).
Some of the products on display (4).
Some of the products on display (5).
Miyasa, the manager
Making a rug (1).
Making a rug (2)
Making a pillow (1)
Making a pillow (2)
Maghlouba ("upside down chicken"), probably my favourite Palestinian dish.
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