Sunday, 14 August 2016

Another military entry into H1

Last night at eleven, we received a call from a good Palestinian friend that a group of fifteen Israeli soldiers entered Bab E Zawiyeh. This had been the fourth time this happened since I got here.

When we got out and began to follow them, it was originally a very scary experience. They were holding their weapons and darting from street to street. A Palestinian man was stopped and ordered to open up his shop and then the trunk of his car. The soldiers looked like they were hunting after someone, and we stayed far behind them to make sure we didn't get caught up in a firefight.

Eventually however the reality became clear. They weren't looking for anyone. They weren't coming to kill or arrest, or to free a hostage.
They were doing training.
At eleven o'clock at night, in Bab E Zawiyeh H1, some officer decided was the time and place for a training. It didn't matter to the soldiers that some Palestinian residents would be disturbed. It didn't matter to them that there was the possibility that their presence would incense some local youth, and potentially set off a clash. It didn't matter that there could be dead or wounded people in the aftermath of such an event.

A fellow ISMer and myself began to do what we did the last time we saw them enter H1. We spoke to them and told them they should leave, that their presence could start major problems. We told them that what they were doing is illegal.

The soldiers looked very annoyed, but for the most part ignored us before heading back to their base.

Going out after them with a camera and telling them to go away really isn't my idea of fun. However, their actions are very dangerous and careless, and they need to be aware of the fact that what they do is wrong and it does not go unnoticed or unseen.

A video of us talking to the soldiers.

Soldier shines light in our faces when he notices us filming.

Walking down the street in Bab E Zawiyeh (1).

Walking down the street in Bab E Zawiyeh (2.)

Going by the shops.

Forcing a Palestinian man to open his shop.

Military manoeuvres in a civilian neighbourhood (1).

Military manoeuvres in a civilian neighbourhood (2).

Going up the street.

Taking position overlooking Bab E Zawiyeh.

Some of the soldiers heading back.

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