Clashes in Kafr Kaddum. You can hear gunshots from the military and the whistle of rocks flying from slingshots from the shebab.
Roadblocks set up by the villagers to stop Israeli jeeps if they tried coming deeper into the village.
Weapon used by Palestinian young men, teenagers and boys (they all are called shebab) against the Israeli Army and Border Police who have trucks guns from which they shoot teargas cannisters, rubber coated steel bullets, and live ammunition.
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (1).
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (2).
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (3).
Palestinian shebab clash with Israeli military forces.
A Palestinian shebab dodges a rubber coated steel bullet.
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (4).
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (5).
The clashes continue.
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (6).
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (7).
Shebab from Kafr Kaddum fight with the Israeli military who have invaded their village (8).
Israeli Border Police in the village clashing with the shebab (1). They wear black uniforms, signifying they are part of a special unit that is used in prisons to put down disturbances.
Israeli Border Police in the village clashing with the shebab (2). They wear black uniforms, signifying they are part of a special unit that is used in prisons to put down disturbances.
Israeli Border Police in the village clashing with the shebab (3). They wear black uniforms, signifying they are part of a special unit that is used in prisons to put down disturbances.
An Israeli Border Police officer fires at young Palestinian men who are throwing rocks. You can hear the "zing" noise of the rubber coated steel bullet as it flies by.
Israeli Army soldiers in the village clashing with the shebab (1).
Israeli Army soldiers in the village clashing with the shebab (2).
A teargas canister that was fired by the Israeli military.
Video of teargas being fired. The canisters fly at very high velocity, acting like small rockets. They have been aimed at people directly in the past, and have killed some people and maimed others.
People setting car tires on fire at the outskirts of the village (1).
People setting car tires on fire at the outskirts of the village (2).
Israeli military bulldozer tries to put the fire out.
Palestinian young men attack the bulldozer and pelt it with rocks.
Taking cover as rubber coated steel bullets are fired by the military,
The clashes continue. This happens twice a week, every Friday and Saturday.
To stop them, all the Israeli Army needs to do is give back the road they illegally confiscated in 2003.
Myself retreating from the shooting while simultaneously trying to be filming the situation. Palestinians running my way are fleeing from the soldiers, who can and have opened fire with everything from teargas cannisters to rubber coated steel bullets to live ammunition.
Photo taken by my comrade and fellow ISMer, X.
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